
nam wan中文是什么意思

  • 南环
  • 南湾



  • 例句与用法
  • Route 8 - nam wan tunnel and west tsing yi viaduct
  • Nam wan tunnel ? a project proud of its safety record
  • Route 8 - nam wan tunnel and west tsing yi viaduct hy 2001 16
    八号干线南湾隧道及青衣西高架道hy 2001 16
  • Hy 2001 16 : route 8 - nam wan tunnel and west tsing yi viaduct
    合约编号hy 2001 16 :八号干线南湾隧道及青衣西高架道
  • A 1 . 2 km twin tube tunnel at the southern part of tsing yi island nam wan tunnel ;
    一条1 . 2公里长位于青衣岛南部的双管行车隧道南湾隧道
  • A construction of a 1 . 2 km dual 3 - lane nam wan tunnel including tunnel e m installations
    A兴建一条约1 . 2公里长的双程三线行车隧道及装设相关的机电系统
  • Uptown plaza at 9 nam wan road in tai po has 163 , 833 sq . ft . of total floor area housing various shops and restaurants
    新达广场位于大埔南运路9号,总面积163 , 833平方尺,商场内有各式商铺及食肆。
  • The 1 . 1 - kilometre east tsing yi viaduct is a dual three - lane viaduct on tsing yi island linking stonecutters bridge and nam wan tunnel
  • Nam wan tunnel is a 1 . 2 km dual three - lane twin tube tunnel at the southern part of tsing yi island from sai tso wan to nam wan kok
  • B construction of a 1 . 5 km west tsing yi viaduct with hard shoulders connecting nam wan tunnel and existing cheung tsing highway
    B兴建一条约1 . 5公里长设有与行车线等宽硬路肩的高架道,将拟建的东青衣高架道连接至长青公路
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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